“On the Leading Edge of Golf Instruction & Fitness”

Benefits of Pilates :

What is Pilates?

Imagine an exercise program that keeps you always wanting more, always looking forward to the next workout! Imagine a workout that leaves you refreshed and alert with a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of physical and mental well being. Pilates does all this… and more.

Pilates is an exercise system that strengthens and tones muscles while simultaneously increasing flexibility and balance, giving the body a long and lean shape. More than
just a group of exercises, Pilates is a technique for moving
in a way that is the most efficient, natural and pain-free. Practicing Pilates will result in a total change in how you
move in life—whether driving your car, walking, watching
TV or playing with your grandchildren.

Pilates increases flexibility, strength, balance, control and muscular symmetry for the entire body without building bulk. The focus is on strengthening the “powerhouse”, the
abdomen, lower back and buttocks, allowing the rest of
the body to be properly supported and move freely.

Pilates is a series of exercises that focus on the mind-body conditioning method developed by Joseph Pilates. It
combines Eastern and Western philosophies of physical
and mental development in order to promote neuromuscular balance and co-ordination while increasing strength and



The exercises work the entire body and can be done on a
mat or with special equipment designed by Joseph Pilates. Each movement incorporates six basic principles: control, concentration, centering, focus, precision and breathing.

Joseph Pilates was ahead of his time. He developed several specific concepts, many of which have just been validated
by sports medicine research.

Regular practice of Pilates will help you with the following:

-Core Strength
            Joseph Pilates believed that every movement of
the extremities generates from the core of the body. Every
Pilates exercise involves engagement of the abdominal muscles, strengthening the core of the body to build a
solid base.

            The Pilates method incorporates stretching with
each strengthening movement which results in muscles
that are long and lean not bulky and stiff.

-Lengthening the Spine
            Pilates exercises lengthen the spine and separate
the vertebrae. This combined with core strength development leads to reduced back pain.

-Alignment and Posture
            Pilates exercises all focus on the correct alignment
of the body, especially the spine and head. Alignment leads
to efficient movement. Posture is improved due to increased flexibility.

-Stability and Balance
            Pilates exercises develop the deep abdominal muscles, not just the big outer “6-pack” ab muscles. These muscles stabilize the pelvic girdle and back while improving your balance.

Joseph Pilates used to say: “In 10 sessions you will
feel the difference, in 20 you will see the difference
and in 30 you’ll have a whole new body.”

Beginning with wounded soldiers in WW I he devised innovative methods using bedsprings to help rehabilitate
non-ambulatory patients.

He moved to New York City in 1926 where he worked with heavyweight boxing legend Max Schmelling and eventually was discovered by the dance community including Martha Graham, George Balanchine, Jerome Robbins and Romana Kryzanowska.

Pilates has been recognized as a superior conditioning program for all athletic activities. In recent years, Pilates concepts have been integrated into the training programs
of professional football, baseball and basketball teams, Olympic gymnastics, figure skating, swim teams, tennis players, Cirque du Soleil performers and, of course, professional golfers.

Regardless of your current level of fitness or age Pilates
can be your primary mode of body conditioning and injury prevention.

Benefits of Pilates.

  • Improve performance in sports
  • Improve body awareness
  • Increase core strength
  • Improve functional fitness
  • Improve balance and coordination
  • Help prevent injury
  • Improve posture
  • Make your joints feel better
  • Improve performance in all athletic sports


M. Steiner, Fort Lauderdale- Female, Age range: 60’s

I’ve been doing Pilates for over 6 years and it has helped
me lose weight, improve my posture, rehab an injury and
trim my hips, thighs and buns. But more importantly it’s helped me with my golf game. Pilates allows me to play
golf with less back and shoulder pain. It’s helped me hit
the ball consistently farther and straighter and has added
30-40 yards to my drive. But I guess the most important benefit I’ve gotten from doing Pilates is the ability to play
more golf and enjoy the game again!

Frank Kasper has proven to not only excel personally in Pilates as a participant but as an instructor of the work. Frank’s enthusiastic approach has allowed him to
specialize if golf and how it relates to Pilates. Anyone
looking to improve their game of golf by creating a more balanced body….. well Frank is for you.
            -- Ellen Latham, Ellen’s Pilates/Spinning Studio, Fountains Plaza, Plantation

M. Jacobs, Sunrise- Male, Age range: 50’s

Pilates has helped me perform better at work as a
painting contractor. Before Pilates I always had back
pain but now it is minimal. I play basketball every week
and after playing I always had pain in my feet, heels and knees. Since starting Pilates over a year ago, I have no
pain after playing two hours of full court basketball against men in their 20’s and 30’s!

M. Bolno, Plantation- Female, Age range: 50’s

Pilates has helped me lose weight, relieve stress, shrink
my waist line and increase my core strength. After over 30 years of “working out” whether it be aerobics or weight
lifting with a trainer my body has been totally revamped
by Pilates over the past year. I am stronger, physically
and mentally. I have improved posture and am totally dedicated to Pilates.

J. Jacobs, Sunrise- Female, Age range: 40’s

Pilates has helped me overcome an injury, improve my
overall health and help me relieve stress. Pilates has
helped me become better fit mentally and physically. I
look forward to every class.