“On the Leading Edge of Golf Instruction & Fitness”

P3 Pro Trainer :

Are you ready to take your game to the next level using the latest in high-tech swing technology?

If you said YES, then the P3 Pro Swing trainer is what you should be using right now!

Imagine having 67 infrared sensors reading your club head motion before, during and after impact with the ball.

All you have to do is swing your club and then watch the monitor so you can see the flight path of the ball. You’ll not only see a highly accurate visual representation of the flight path you’ll get the most accurate club data available. There’s no more guessing at what your swing is doing. It will be right before your very eyes on each and every swing!

Here’s just a sampling of the data you’ll see:

  • Swing path angle measured within 1°
  • Club face angle measured within 1°
  • Club head speed measured within 1 MPH
  • Angle of attack measured within 0.1 inch
  • Ball speed
  • Ball distance
  • Three pictures of your club head before, during
    and after impact

From this data, ball flight is predicted and the ability of the P3 Pro Swing trainer to predict the shape of the shot is unparalleled. The nuances of fade and draw, that delivers a high degree of confidence in the displayof the ball flight dynamic.

You can use every club in your bag, woods, irons and putters! Plus you don’t even have to actually hit a ball because it reads your club head. This makes it a great indoor teaching aid no matter where you are or what the weather is like. Turn rainy days into valuable training days without getting wet.

Many of today’s top PGA members are using high-tech swing analyzers to enhance their teaching skills. It’s truly
a win-win situation. Better golf for their customers means better business for the PGA members.

“David Bennett, PGA head professional at Stowe Country Club in Stove, Vt. was looking for a combination launch monitor, swing analyzer and golf simulator to jump-start
his lesson business and give him a magnet to draw customers to his facility 365 days a year.

My goal was to teach 30 hours a week inside my clubhouse during the winter. Within two weeks of starting the program, before any advertising or marketing, I had sold out all 30 spots. And I had a 35-person waiting list.”

David obviously saw the benefits of having the P3 Pro Swing trainer and used it to set himself apart from other local teaching pros.

Why don’t you set yourself apart from the other local pros and start using the P3 Pro Swing trainer to increase your revenue year round?

Let Video Sports Advantage help you establish yourself as one of the premier teaching pros in your area. Contact us today to get started right away.

If you’re a teaching professional how would you like to host
a fund raising event for a local high school golf team or maybe your favorite charity? With the P3 Pro Swing trainer you could have a Longest Drive contest to promote your country club and raise money all at the same time.

If you’re an average golfer and want to become a great
golfer then the P3 Pro Swing trainer is for you too. Just imagine working with this high-tech equipment for just 30 minutes. Do you think your swing would get better with all the visual and statistical data you get with each and every swing? You already know the answer to this is--YES!

Quit trimming the trees and start hitting the fairways. Let
us help you reach the birdies on the greens not in the
trees. This technology is available to you today. 

See classes for rates and availability for P3 Pro Training