Welcome to our “Meet the Pros” page. The professionals listed on this site are PGA, LPGA, USGTF, assistant pros as well as experienced college and high school teachers.

“It’s so bad I could putt off a tabletop and still leave the ball halfway down the leg.”
            --J.C. Snead, on his putting

Our objective in offering this free listing is to have a place for teaching professionals and golfers of all skill levels to meet. Video Sports Advantage can help you get physically fit and provide the latest in video and swing analysis technology but can’t provide you with the valuable personal instructions that a teaching professional can offer you.

The feedback that we got from local teaching professionals led us to this format instead of just a one line listing on some links page. We want golfers to feel comfortable in selecting a teaching professional because we know that one good golf lesson can restore your confidence and renew your passion for the game.

We are offering this free listing to the teaching professionals on an honor system and assume the information they list is accurate. We do not verify the information that a teaching professional places on this page so use your own discretion when selecting a teacher.

Your golf game can and will get better with persistence, patience and perspiration.

If you’re a teaching professional and would like your own listing on this page just contact us.

     Meet the Pros