“On the Leading Edge of Golf Instruction & Fitness”

Video Swing Analysis :

Our goal at Video Sports Advantage is to provide the
teaching pro and everyday golfer the tools to improve their game in the most efficient way. With the technology
available today there's no reason you should be guessing
at what you need to do to improve your golf swing.

Welcome to the new world of swing analysis technology, which has become commonplace on the golf course and
an expected part of any serious golfer's arsenal.

By combining video and swing analysis technology you'll
be able to improve your golf game like never before! We've combined the two best technologies available today to improve your golf swing. With high speed dual cameras
and the statistics provided by the P3 ProSwing trainer
you'll be able to correct your swing faults in no time.

Why use swing and video analysis?

For the teaching pro you already know the importance
and advantage that video analysis can give you and your students. You should be using video analysis to make
sure you don't miss analyze. With video you can ensure
an accurate diagnosis. Video shows your student exactly what their swing is doing now and what needs to be done
to make any corrections.

You'll be able to exude confidence that says "I can and
will improve your golf game."


To be a good golf instructor you must be a master communicator and find many different ways of explaining
the same thing until you find the right way to say it that makes sense to your student.

Teaching golf with video saves time and sets you apart
for the other teaching pros. 80% of people learn visually. Video lessons significantly increases the effectiveness of every lesson.

A picture is worth a 1000 words, but thousands more are needed to describe a complex motion occurring in under a second!

What you think or feel you are doing in your golf swing and what actually occurs are often two very different things.

With high speed cameras and slow motion playback you
can save time by analyzing only one or two swing faults
with each student.

Students are instantly able to see adjustments that they
need to make. 

Here’s just a sample of the video swing analysis cd playback training features:

  • Single screen or side-by-side comparison of your swing (Don’t forget you get a dual camera video.
    Down the line and front on views)
  • Slow motion playback
  • Frame-by-Frame playback
  • Zoom controls
  • Overlay your swings – Great for checking the consistency in your swing
  • 9 Frame and 20 Frame printable photos of your swing
  • Continuous playback loop mode in slow motion – The best training feature!
  • Email your swing to your friends, coach, pros or potential colleges…..
  • Plus you get all the statistics that the P3 Pro Swing Trainer provides with each and every swing!

Everyday golfers can and should benefit from video and
swing analysis technology too.

No amount of practice will really help you if you can't see
and eliminate your weak areas. This is when you should make use of video analysis to record your swing technique.

Have you been thinking about taking lessons from a golf
pro? Just imagine how easy and productive your very first lesson will be when you hand the pro a cd with your swing recorded onto it!

He or she will be able to watch your video with all the playback features mentioned above. These are excellent training tools that are guaranteed to help your pro improve your golf game in the least amount of time and aggravation. It’s truly a win-win situation.

Once you, the student familiarize yourself with your swing from the viewpoint of video playback with your instructor,
you will then be able to determine if you are on track as
you work towards your golfing goals.

Whether you are a professional coach or a weekend player looking for ways to improve your game, isn't it time you put video analysis software technology to work for you?

Get the video advantage today to hit the ball farther and straighter than ever before!

If you're ready to work with a local pro click on the
"Meet the Pros" link.

To get your video swing analysis cd click on the classes link for rates and availability